Get Strong With Erika

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Your Limit Does Not Exist.

Happy Tuesday!

How many times have you said, “I would never…” or “I could never…”. or “I’m not a (runner, lifter, healthy eater, etc)” or “I don’t have the discipline” or “I don’t have the time”??

These are all limiting statements that are probably not even true. Let’s take the example of saying you’re not a runner or a lifter. If you want to be, you can be. So maybe right now you’re not running or you're not lifting.

  1. Do you want to? Because if you don’t want to run or lift you can get exercise from other modalities. If you don’t want to track calories you can still eat healthy. You just have to decide what it is you want.

  2. What is stopping you from starting? These can be excuses you’ve made up or they can be very real barriers like money, time, and other commitments. By sitting down and identifying them you can look more strategically and see how you can overcome that barrier, see that it’s not a barrier, or pivot and decide what you can do within the confines of the barriers.

  3. What is the first step you can take? New habits or activities can be intimidating and can feel daunting. There is always a first step. Then a second step. Then a third step. We often get caught up with the entire process when the focus should be one step at a time.

By taking that first step of buying running shoes you are a runner; or for a lifter signing up for that gym membership. By making that first new grocery list you are building habits to become a healthier eater. And then you take the next step and the next and sooner than you think you’ll be doing that thing regularly, feeling great, and it’s going to feel like a part of you.

Any new habit whether exercise, nutrition, or health related is hard at first. It takes effort both physically and mentally. But over time it gets easier, and feels better. It’s pushing through that uncomfortable phase of taking the first step and coming back after you fell off track again and again until it’s ingrained in you that gets you to where you want to be.

So I encourage you to stop limiting yourself. You don’t have to do it all but you are capable to do the thing you want to do if you just start by identifying the steps and taking it one step at a time.

And lastly, ask for support when you need it. That can be from trusted family or friends or a professional. Sometimes, especially at the beginning having some guidance and accountability makes the process so much easier.

I’m always here for you. Feel free to connect with my via my website or social media. I’d love to hear from you!

